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Business Missions: 2 - 6 Oct 23 to Nairobi, Kenya and 10 - 13 Oct 23 to Kigali, Rwanda

Datum: 02/10/2023 - 13/10/2023

Ort: Nairobi, Kenia

Fachliche Leitung:

Peter Rechberger
Cluster Leistungselektronik
Landgrabenstraße 94, 90443 Nürnberg

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Business Missions: 2 - 6 Oct 23 to Nairobi, Kenya and 10 - 13 Oct 23 to Kigali, Rwanda

Business Mission to Kenya & Rwanda, October 2023


NOTE: Registration is recommended before July 31!

The European project ESECA is organizing a second business mission to Nairobi, Kenya from October 2 to 6, 2023 and/or to Kigali, Rwanda from October 10 to 13. You can choose to take part in one or both missions! The aim is to make European companies from the renewable energies and smart grids sectors meet Kenyan and Rwandan energy stakeholders and start partnerships with local companies.

This activity is primarily aimed at SMEs and start-ups. This mission is a unique opportunity to develop your business and take part in international events!

Provisional agenda
The mission to Kenya will take place within the framework of the POWERELEC International Trade Fair & Conference on Power, Energy, Renewable & Electrical Industry, and the Renewable Energy Forum Africa (REFA 2023) conference organized by the African Solar Energy Association and SolarPower Europe.

POWERELEC is the largest international trade fair dedicated exclusively to the energy, renewable energies and electricity sectors. It will provide access to international organizations, suppliers, investors, technology experts and EPC companies.


The Renewable Energy Forum Africa (REFA) is an annual conference that promotes investment in renewable energy on the African continent. The event is supported by a European program (GET.invest) which aims to mobilize investment in decentralized renewable energies (subject to a fee of $350).

During the mission to Rwanda, you will participate in an event dedicated to R&D projects, in collaboration with AfriLabs. You have also the opportunity to take part in the LEAP-RE Stakeholder Forum (free of charge), which aims to create and develop an international multi-stakeholder community dealing with renewable energies (innovation, training, financing and deployment policies).


- October 2: travel
- October 3: event in Kenya with key stakeholders and public bodies
- October 4-6: participation in the POWERELEC trade show and REFA conference, and B2B meetings at the event
- October 6: return flight for those not taking part in the Rwanda mission / If you are involved in both missions: free weekend in Kenya or Rwanda.
- October 9: meetings in Rwanda with key stakeholders and public bodies
- October 10-12: LEAP-RE event

Financial support
To facilitate your participation, financial support for SMEs is available. To qualify, your company must be a member of one of the Bavarian Cluster Power Electronics or ECPE. Please get in touch with Peter Rechberger for details.

Contact     Peter Rechberger, Email

REGISTRATION please register before 31 July

Allgemeine Informationen

weitere Veranstaltungen, weitere Veranstaltungen

Business Missions: 2 - 6 Oct 23 to Nairobi, Kenya and 10 - 13 Oct 23 to Kigali, Rwanda

Datum: 02/10/2023 - 13/10/2023

Ort: Nairobi, Kenia

Fachliche Leitung:

Peter Rechberger
Cluster Leistungselektronik
Landgrabenstraße 94, 90443 Nürnberg

Cluster Leistungselektronik im ECPE e.V.
Ostendstraße 181
D-90482 Nürnberg, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 (0)911 81 02 88-0

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